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Liz Ortiz

Let it Rain

It becomes strangely quiet. The dark clouds roll in. The wind begins to wrestle. The leaves stir. There’s a rumble of thunder. And then…rain. Rain like it has never rained before! The rain hits the tin roof so hard that I can barely hear myself think. But then as quickly as the rain came, it was gone. Back in the states, I looked at rain as more of an inconvenience than anything else, but I’ve learned to praise God for the rain here. It had been two months since the last rain, and everything was dry and dusty. Even the wells in the village were drying up, so when the rain came, it was a blessing.

I have been blessed with many ministry opportunities here in Togo. I enjoy working with Jonas once a week to teach him sign language. He lights up when he see me and is eager get to work. I was afraid that during the two-week Christmas break he might forget what I had taught him, but nope! We picked up right where we left off! We still have a long way to go, but I’m excited with the progress Jonas is making. Another exciting development is that the teachers have expressed an interest in learning sign language. We are thinking about having a conference to teach them some basic sign. We are also looking at possibly teaching Jonas’ class some basic sign so he can communicate with his peers as well.

This month has also been a busy month for filming. I’m working on a few different video projects. One of the ministries I’m highlighting is the nursing school, which will be graduating 16 new nurses this year! How exciting and encouraging to see this ministry grow!

Please keep praying. Lots of exciting opportunities!

Prayer Requests:

Pray for wisdom in how to reach and teach Jonas and his teacher.

Pray for balance in my time as I choose what projects to take on.

Pray for continued growth in missionary and Togolese friendships.


Praise God that Jonas’ teacher has a desire to learn sign language and reach him for Christ!

Praise God for the 16 new nurses that will graduating this year!

Praise God for the much needed rain!

Let it rain!

Liz Ortiz

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