Action de Grâce

Action de Grâce means Thanksgiving in French. In the United States, Thanksgiving is the third Thursday of November, but in Canada it is the second Monday of October. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I have fond memories growing up of spending time with my family on Thanksgiving. I can smell the turkey being roasted as my mom and grandma are busy in the kitchen. I’m snuggled next to my grandpa in his big comfy chair as we read the funnies together. When the meal is ready, my grandpa leads us in a prayer giving thanks. As plates are being passed, we each say something for which we are grateful. I love this time of reflection and praising God and giving thanks. This year I won’t be with my family for Thanksgiving, but I’m so grateful to have been able to spend Action de Grâce with my Parole de Vie family. I am so grateful for the Christian community here. Above is pictured the Bible and language school women students. Will you please pray for the students as we grow in our faith and do life together?

Fall is a beautiful time of year in Québec. The leaves are changing colors, the apples are ready for picking, and the temperature is almost perfect. I love this season and know that I will miss it while I am in Togo the next two years. I have taken extra time to enjoy this season while I can. The language school went on an outing to a nearby apple orchard. It was a fun outing, and we enjoyed an apple turnover!

Classes are going well. I am feeling more comfortable in the language. I am pushing myself to speak more. I have started hosting different events with the Bible school students at my apartment. This month I had a Fall theme party where we painted pumpkins. Some of the students had never painted a pumpkin before. It was a fun and encouraging time for everyone.
Another evening I invited the language school students and interns over for dinner. I made an Ortiz family favorite, tacos with homemade tortillas. I taught the students how to make the tortillas, in French! It was fun evening filled with lots of laughter.

I have six weeks left in Québec. I feels strange that I am so close to the end of my time here. I talked with different members of team in Togo and even got a video tour of where I will be living! I have been working towards returning to Togo for four years. It’s beginning to feel more and more real, that I am almost there. I am excited for Togo, I am sad to say goodbye to a place that have called home for two years. I have made many friends in Quebec, I have a ministry here, and favorite places to spend time. Please pray as I say goodbye to friends, ministries, and places here in Québec. I know that when I leave Québec, I will leave a piece of my heart here.
I have some exciting things coming up this month. On November 22nd , I will be sharing my testimony and ministry in front of all the students and staff during our weekly chapel in French. I’m excited for this opportunity, but a little nervous. But I know God is with me. Will you please pray for me as I prepare? I also have a big French test that my team has asked me to take at the end of the month. Would you pray that I would not be anxious about it and that I will do my best? Lastly, I have been approved to buy my tickets to Togo!!!! I have not bought them yet but will soon. I am looking at possibly leaving for Togo between January 15-20th , which will be here soon!
God bless,
Prayer Requests:
· Pray for me on November 22nd , when I will be sharing my testimony and ministry
during our weekly chapel, in French.
· Pray that I will prepare well for sharing my testimony.
· Pray that I will prepare well for my big French exam at the end of the month
· Pray that I end my time in Québec well.
· Pray for wisdom as I am preparing for the move to Togo in January
· Pray for the Bible and Language school students
· Pray that I would not be anxious about French
· Pray for Léonie and me as we share an apartment
· Pray for patience and diligence as I study and learn the French language.
· Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
· Praise God for encouraging time with the Bible and language school students!
· Praise God for Action de Grâce!
· Praise God for approval to buy my plane tickets for Togo!
· Praise God for family!
· Praise God for the apartment!
· Praise God for progress in the language
· Praise God for the wonderful community here at Parole de Vie.
· Praise God for all my wonderful partners!