Reunions and Celebrations

It had been almost 3 years since my brothers and I were together. Matt flew out for a week to Pennsylvania. While he was here, he helped with a huge project for their yard. During the downtime, we had lot of fun being with one another. It was a fun reunion with my brothers. However, it was not a complete reunion, because our youngest brother, Philip, couldn’t be there. Oh what fun it will be when all of us are together!
While Matt was in PA, I got to celebrate my birthday! Its been a long time since I was able to celebrate my actual birthday in person with David and his family. It was a special treat to celebrate with them. Another surprise was that it snowed on my birthday! I doubt that will happen ever when I celebrate my birthday in Togo. I am thankful for another year of life and a chance to celebrate with loved ones. It was also Jonas’ birthday this month! He turned 10 years old. I look forward to the day when we can celebrate our birthdays together.

I have enjoyed homeschooling DJ and Ani. However, I found that I was struggling to find the time (and quiet) that I needed to focus on my “Methods of Bible Study” online course. I decided to return to Michigan for a few weeks to focus on my course and partnership development. It has been good to be home and reconnect with many. Please pray that I can be focused and get a lot done for my class.
I am thankful for technology. Even though I am home, I can still continue with the discipleship series that I have been leading DJ and Ani through. Every weekday morning we have a video call and have our Bible study. What a joy it has been to see them grow in their faith!

The next few months are busy for me. I have several training events at ABWE headquarters. I will post the schedule below. I would appreciate your prayers, especially, as I travel alone to and from ABWE. I am driving back to David and Sarah Ashley’s home in PA on Saturday, May 8th. Please pray for a safe journey.
● May 13th – 14th Bible Storying
● May 31st – June 11th Missional Theology
● June 11th-12th 24 Hour Demo
● July 8th- 9th on panel during New Missionary Orientation
● July 12th-13th photographing Board Meeting
● July 15th Recognition Service
● July 19th -23rd Essential Missions Components
Thank you for coming along this journey with me! I have been so blessed by the people the Lord has brought into my life as partners in His work. I have been encouraged by the messages, gifts, and prayers. The Lord is good. Don’t fret if you aren’t a partner yet, its not too late! I would love to meet with you in person or by zoom to share with you the work the Lord is doing in Togo.
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
● Pray for safety as I drive back to Pennsylvania on May 8th
● Pray that my car will do well with all these trips coming up.
● Pray for T that the Lord would open his eyes to the gospel.
● Pray for DJ and Ani as I lead them through this discipleship series that they would learn and grow stronger in their faith.
● Pray that I will stay diligent with my "Methods of Bible Study" online course that I'm taking as part of ABWE's training
● Pray for health and safety for my family during the pandemic, especially for my dad because he is in the high-risk group.
● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.
● Pray for additional partners for my ministry.
● Praise God for 68% of my monthly support!
● Praise God for 73% of my one-expenses! (outfit and passage)
● Praise God that the discipleship series is going well!
● Praise God that homeschooling is going well.
● Praise God that construction was started on a multi-media ministry building in Togo!
● Praise God that Jonas is doing well adjusting back to school and his host family.

Did you see the latest Message magazine from ABWE? Jonas made the cover, and there is a story on him in it! Also, the issue is all about Togo! You can check out the issue online at: