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March Madness

Liz Ortiz

It has been a busy and incredible past month. The highight being the missions conference. After months of planning for the conference, it was finally here. We had events starting Friday evening, all the way to ending Sunday evening. It was a great weekend, and we had good turn outs at all the events. But more importantly, God was glorified that weekend.

One of my favorite events was children's church on Sunday morning. This was the first time I was leading this age group. I had flags with the missionaries' pictures that our church supported up on the wall. I shared with the kids that Millie Dawson, who is a missionary to Venezula, has been serving there for over 60 years! Most of the kids couldn't believe it! I told the kids that it is my prayer that when I'm old like Millie, I will still be faithfully serving God and I hope they will too. I asked who was 9 years old in the room. Several kids raised their hands. I shared that when I was 9, I sat where they sat. At this very church during a missions conference I felt God calling me into missions. Did I know I would go to Africa someday? No! But God knew. And when I was 9, I was a missionary right where I was by sharing Christ with those around me. I challenged the kids that they could be missionaries too right where they are.

I showed them my missionary notebook that I made when I was 9 and how they can be praying for missionaries. I gave them each a "pray for your missionary" activity sheet. They each got to pick a missionary off the wall and fill in the sheet for how they can pray for them. I saw a variety of missionaries chosen. Several chose me or Millie Dawson. On the paper there was a spot for you to draw the missionary. I walked by one kid and he gave me red hair in his drawing! I thought it was funny. I was excited and encouraged to see so many kids connect and wanting to learn about missions and their missionaries.

Before the conference, I was at 26% of my funds raised. I asked you to pray about reaching my next mark 50%. Well, just over $11,000 came in from the missions conference offering! I am now at the 68% mark! Way to go God! Thank you so much for your generous giving! The picture is coming together.

There is so much more I could tell you about the missions conference. It was an incredible experience, I learned and grew from it. But, for sake of this blog I won't. However, if you like to hear more. I love to talk to you about it! You can check out a video slideshow from the conference posted at the end.


Missions Conference was a success!

Lots of new ministry partners!

Jumping from 26% to 68% of funds raised!

Prayer Requests:

Learning French. I'm using the Rosetta Stone to learn French. Pray that I will stay dilligent!

Reaching my next mark 75%! I'm $158 monthly away from that goal!

Serving in Him,

Liz Ortiz

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