Muddy Hand Prints

I was showing a local friend some muddy handprints that were on the side of my truck. I laughed as I told him how the children always run to my truck when I arrive at the school. They eagerly wave at us, sometimes clapping their hands on the side of truck with excitement. The older students are happy to help carry in the boxes of materials that we bring. The younger students give us big hugs and often hold our hands to walk us to class. My friend chuckled, “They see you like their mother. This is a good thing.” I agreed with him. The muddy handprints will wash away on my truck, but the handprints they are leaving on my heart will remain. I am thankful for the small handprints God is placing in my life.

One day as I was teaching, there was a herd of cows walking down the street the school is on. Several students were quick to notify me of the cow-crossing. One student grabbed my hand and dragged me to the door. The students began signing to me that they were concerned that the cows would tip my truck over! I reassured them that my truck would be fine; and it was. I was proud of that conversation though. At the beginning of the school year, the students were struggling with forming complete phrases. But now, they can tell me all about the cows taking over my truck and more. It is encouraging to see their growth.

Ariana has been serving with me in Togo for almost a year. She has been a big help to me and the ministry. In a month, her one year commitment will be up and she will be returning to the States. She will be missed in Togo, although I know that her family and her students are eager for her return. Please pray for Ariana as she begins her goodbyes, packs, and travels home. When she leaves, I will be alone in the ministry. Please pray for workers to join me.
“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” Matthew 9:37b-38.

On January 29 th , I celebrated one year being in Togo! I am so grateful to be in the place where God has called me to for this season. God is at work here in Togo! Thank you for joining with me on this journey. Your prayers, encouragement and support mean so much to me. To God be the glory. He is good. All the time, He is good!
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Pray Request:
We are dealing with some behavioral issues at the school. We are working with the students on how to make better choices when they are upset. Some days are better than others. Please pray for wisdom and patience.
Pray for the Awana kids. See update below.
Pray for Ariana as she prepares to return to the States.
Pray for teammates to join me on the field.
Pray for the Bible study with the blind students that Hannah and I lead on Monday evenings.
Pray for visits to the school for the deaf to continue to go well.
Pray that we can develop good relationships within the school.
Pray for my ability to communicate. I desire to grow in my confidence in speaking French and signing. The difference in accent and vocabulary can be a bit overwhelming at times.
Please pray that I would not be overwhelmed in French or sign language and that I would be able to understand and be understood in the language.
Please pray for wisdom as I develop the ministry.
Praise God for Ariana serving with me this last year!
Praise God for finishing my first year in Togo!
Praise God for the relationships being developed at the school!
Praise God for the progress at the school!
Praise God that the Bible study with the blind students is going well!
Praise God for my progress in the language
Praise God for all my wonderful partners!

Awana Update:
The church has decided that Awana is canceled at least for the next two months. Please pray for healing and revival in the church. My heart breaks for these kids who want and miss the Awana program. Please also pray for a possibly for the Awana program to come back sooner.