Christmas through a Child's Eyes
I love the Christmas season. One of my favorite memories growing up was on Christmas day, when my family would gather around the Christmas tree. My cousins and I would be giggling with excitement for the presents. My grandpa would clear his throat, “Okay, gifts are good. But let us not forget the real reason for Christmas.” He would then open his Bible to Luke chapter 2 and read the Christmas story. After my grandpa finished reading, my brothers and I put on a Christmas play that I directed. I loved listening to the Christmas story and retelling it. It is an incredible true story.
Do you remember the first time you heard the Christmas story? It was new, exciting, and incredible. The son of God was given to us as a baby who would one day save us from our sin. We are all doomed and eternally separated from God because of our sin. However, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Those who trust and believe in the Lord have hope! Because God’s son, our Savior, was born on Christmas day! Hallelujah!
The Christmas story might not be new to me, but it is still exciting and incredible. It was the first time for our deaf students to learn of the Christmas story in their heart language. The Action Bible has translated several stories into ASL, including the Christmas story. We brought a projector, portable generator, and a white sheet to show the video. We passed out popcorn and bananas for a movie snack. The kids and teachers loved it! It was fun seeing their reactions to the story. Ariana was able to answer some questions and further explain some things. It was amazing thing to see the students experience the Christmas story for the first time.
“I’m going to go get the gifts,” Ariana whispered to me as we were finishing a Christmas craft at the school. The students were confused as to why Ariana was leaving, but not me. One of the students offered to carry my bag out to the truck for me. I signed to them that I wasn’t leaving yet and they needed to sit and wait. The students were intrigued by this change in routine. They sat and waited eagerly at their desks. Ariana walked in with a big sack. Inside was filled with a gift bag for each student containing cookies, candy, crackers, and a balloon. There were big smiles as Ariana began to pass them out. I then pulled out another bag inside it was filled with baby teddy bears. One of the students joyfully shouted, “un bébé!” (a baby). They were all so excited to receive their Christmas gifts. The joy on their faces was precious and a memory I will cherish.
The holidays felt different this year from years past. Usually on Christmas it is below 32 F degrees and snowing. It was not a white Christmas in Togo and it was above 32 C degrees. It may have felt different, but we still got in the Christmas spirit. Ariana, Hannah and I put up a Christmas tree and decorated my home. A friend gifted me a table cloth that she made from Christmas fabric that she found in the capital. It was sweet and thoughtful gift. When my friend, Agbeko, visited my home church. My mom was able to give him some Christmas presents for me. Christmas Eve, my family all gathered at my parents’ house. I was able to join in on a video call and open the gifts that my mom had wrapped for me. It made home not feel as far away. What a special treat!
On New Year’s Eve we traveled to Tsiko to ring in the new year with other missionaries. It was fun evening of fellowshipping and playing games. I’m grateful for the year that God has given me. At the end of this month, I will be celebrating 1 year in Togo! The time has passed quickly! In my next letter I will be sharing some highlights from this first year and what the next year looks like for me. Thank you for following along with me on this journey. I look forward to what God has in store for this next year.
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for our Awana kids. We have some difficult situations. See photo below for more details.
Pray for teammates to join me on the field.
Pray for the Bible study with the blind students that Hannah and I lead on Monday evenings.
Pray for visits to the school for the deaf to continue to go well.
Pray that we can develop good relationships within the school.
Pray for my ability to communicate. I desire to grow in my confidence in speaking French and signing. The difference in accent and vocabulary can be a bit overwhelming at times.
Please pray that I would not be overwhelmed in French or sign language and that I would be able to understand and be understood in the language.
Please pray for wisdom as I develop the ministry.
Praise God for the birth of His Son, our Savior!
Praise God that the school visits are going well!
Praise God for the opportunity to serve in Awana!
Praise God that my French online class is finished!
Praise God that the Bible study with the blind students is going well!
Praise God for my progress in the language
Praise God for all my wonderful partners!
Please pray for our Awana kids. We have some difficult situations.
The K brothers that we have been working with lost their dad unexpectedly. Please pray for the K brothers and their family. After Awana, we went to their home to give our condolences. We don’t know if their dad was a believer.
Recently, we had over 70 kids come to Awana. On average, we have around 30-70 kids who are hearing the Gospel on a regular basis. What an amazing opportunity for the advancement of the Gospel! However, there is a situation at the church and the Awana might have to stop. The situation has nothing to do with Awana, but consequences of the situation could. My heart is burdened knowing the impact Awana had on my life as a child, and the impact it is having on these 70 kids. Please pray for a solution and that people would step up to help this growing ministry.