Next Steps

The school year is about to end. It hasn’t been the school year that I expected at my new job, but it has been good. We had to be creative on how we could reach our students. I was able to use skills that I hadn’t expected to be able to use, like making videos! I made a series of cooking videos inspired by children’s books. My family enjoyed this aspect of my job because they got to eat the recipes creations I tried!
Besides the cooking videos, I have been busy studying for the doctrinal exams with ABWE. These exams are important for my next step to become a career missionary. I will be taking the online written exam on June 4th at 3pm. I will be taking the oral exam by video conference call on June 10th at 10-11:30am. Please be praying for me as I take these exams.

Sometimes I found myself discouraged about the pandemic. I long to be with people, to go to church, and just be back to a “somewhat” normal again. However, I am reminded to view this time as a gift. I have more time to study God’s Word, go on walks, and spend time with family. I have enjoyed sitting down as a family at dinner. No place to be, just be there with family. I missed that in Togo, where I often ate alone. Sometimes I needed the quiet after a busy day, but it's nice to have the option of eating with others. I’m choosing to enjoy these moments with family while I have them.
Thank you for your love and support during this journey with me. I can hardly believe it has been 6 months since I returned to the States. I look forward to the day I can return to Togo. I’m excited to be continuing my missionary journey and be another step closer to Togo. I will be attending the New Missionary Orientation (NMO) at ABWE headquarters on July 10-17. Please be praying as the details of this training come together.
Liz Ortiz
Praise God for the extra time to study for my ABWE doctrinal exams!
Praise God for good health!
Praise God that Jonas is home, safe with his family!
Praise God for the new job!
Praise God for a recent sign language course I was able to take!
Praise God that I am feeling less anxious lately!
Prayer Requests:
Pray as I prepare to take my doctrinal exams where I defend my faith with ABWE on June 4th (3pm et) and June 10th (10am et)
Pray that the details will come together for the New Missionary Orientation I will be attending July 10th-17th.
Pray for health and safety for my family during the pandemic. Especially for my dad because he is in the high risk group.
Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing