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Liz Ortiz

2022 was a year filled with laughter, tears, joy, sorrow, love and loss. A lot happened this past year. I moved to Canada and began language school. I now have been studying French for a year! To think a year ago I could hardly form a sentence in French, but now I can have long conversations in the language! This past year I also had to say goodbye to several dear loved ones. Losing them was painful, but also so joyful to know where they are because of where they put their hope! I am incredibly grateful for the friends and family that God has given me. So many have come around me to laugh, cry and pray with me this past year. I am thankful for everyone in my life. Pictured above are few photo highlights from this year.

In December, I finished another semester of French and traveled home to be with my family for the holidays. We all came down with colds and were sick on Christmas day, but it was still good to be together. The following week when we were feeling better we did a family photo. It had been a while since our last complete family photo and we have had a few additions to the family since then. I’m thankful to have all my family in West Michigan. It was good to be together again.

A highlight for Christmas was that we surprised my dad with a puppy! He has been asking for a dog for years. And this was the year he got one! He was so surprised! Her name is “Tinta”, which means “ink” in Spanish. She is a black Aussiedoodle with one white paw. It almost looks as if someone spilled ink all over her, so her name is fitting! We all love Tinta, and she has been a good fit for our family.

Before I left Canada, we had a Christmas banquet and graduation for the language school students who finished this semester. It was a special time together with the staff, Bible school students, and language school students. The language school students are missionaries going into the French-speaking world. It was an honor and a privilege to do life, learn, and grow together with them this last year. I am excited for them as they go to serve the Lord throughout Africa and Quebec. Please be praying these graduates as they transition into ministry.

On January 9th, I will be returning to Quebec to continue my French studies. When I go back to school, I will be moving into an apartment on campus! I will be sharing the apartment with a friend, Léonie, who is a native French speaker! Léonie and I are pictured above in the left top picture. Léonie is a graduate from the Bible school program and has been helping out at the school this year. I am looking forward to sharing the apartment with her and the different ministry opportunities it will bring.

Thank you for coming along on this journey with me. I have been blessed by your encouragement, love, and prayers. It has been quite the year. God has been good through it all. I look forward to what God has in store for this coming year.

God bless,


Prayer Requests:

  • Pray for the language school graduates as they begin their ministries throughout the world.

  • Pray that I would not be anxious about French

  • Pray for my dad, he is not doing very well. His latest MRI shows progression in his MS which leads to greater pain, loss of energy, and confusion.

  • Pray for safe travels back to Quebec on January 9th

  • Pray for Léonie and me as we share an apartment

  • Pray for patience as I study and learn the French language.

  • Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!


  • Praise God that my visa has been approved!

  • Praise God for time spent with family and friends during the holidays

  • Praise God for my dad’s new puppy, Tinta!

  • Praise God for finishing a year of language school!

  • Praise God for progress in the language

  • Praise God for the wonderful community here at Parole de Vie.

  • Praise God for all my wonderful partners!

  • Praise God that Jonas is doing well in school


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