
I finished my first semester of language school! Beginning with the difficulties of obtaining my visa and followed by the deaths of two friends and my grandfather from cancer, it has not been easy semester. There have been many heavy days filled with tears. There were days I didn’t want to focus on my studies. However, I preserved and
passed my first semester of French! It hasn’t been an easy journey, but I can say that God has been good through it all. Praise be His name!
I am incredibly grateful for the Christian community here at Parole de Vie. When I returned to school after my grandfather’s passing, there were flowers and kind notes awaiting me in my dorm room. On the difficult days (and the good ones too) the community has been there for me. Whether it is praying with me, going on walks, going out for poutine, or just laughing, it has been encouraging to my spirits.

The second semester of language school has begun. It is a shorter semester that goes until the end of June. It is less academic-based and more focused on French conversional skills. I am enjoying the change. The class is helping to push me out of my comfort zone. The good thing is that it's causing me to speak conversational French more. When class is finished, there will be a two-month break before the fall semester begins. I will be flying home July 1st . I am looking forward to the break to spend time with family, friends and supporters.

Please pray for the provision of a vehicle for me to use while I am home for July and August. During the week I was home for my grandfather’s funeral, my brothers were almost in an accident with my vehicle. They had to slam on the breaks hard to avoid collision with a car that cut them off on the interstate freeway. Praise the Lord that they were not hurt. However, my vehicle’s brake line broke and the damage was too much for my old car. It had to be junked. It’s discouraging that I won’t have my car for the two months I’m home, but I am trusting that the Lord will provide.
Thank you everyone for your kindness and encouragement to my family and me during this time. It has been a difficult season. I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you. The Lord is good, and his faithfulness endures forever.
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
● Pray for a provision of vehicle while I am home for July and August.
● Pray for patience as I study and learn the French language.
● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.
● Praise God that I finished my first semester of French!
● Praise God for the wonderful community here at Parole de Vie.
● Praise God for my home church, Calvary Baptist, who has been so loving and encouraging to my family.
● Praise God that my little brother, Philip, graduates from high school this month!
● Praise God for all my wonderful partners!
● Praise God that Jonas is doing well in school