Passing the Torch: A Tribute to Millie Dawson

While I was growing up, my family would often host missionaries in our home. I would love hearing their stories from the field and learning of the different cultures. As a 9-year-old in Awana, I was given an assignment to write a report on missions. I decided to take it a step further and made a whole missionary notebook which I took to the missions conference at my church. I went around to all the missionary booths, asking the missionaries for their prayer cards and for them to sign my notebook. Two of the missionaries at that conference were Joe and Millie Dawson who served in Venezuela. They smiled, “Of course!” and signed my notebook. I smiled back at them and said, “I’m going to be praying for you, and I hope that someday I can be a missionary too!”
“After returning from military service in World War II, Joe and Millie Dawson meet, marry, and settle down for what they think will be an ordinary life. But when God transforms their lives through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the trajectory of their lives changes forever, and they give their lives to sharing the Gospel with people who have never before heard it.” (Dawson, Millie*) The Dawsons arrived in Venezuela in 1953. Joe Dawson passed away on the field in 2011. Millie chose to stay and serve joyfully among the lost. On September 26 th , 2021, after 68 years of dedicated service to the Lord in the Amazon jungle, Millie went to be with her precious Lord and Savior. It is my prayer that however many days of my life are left that I will spend them faithfully and joyfully serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as Millie did.

I accomplished a first for me, going to the West Coast! It was joy to be reunited with the Greenlee family who I had served with in Togo. We had a great time reminiscing on Togo memories, playing games, laughing, and being together. The Greenlees helped me experience my first In-N-Out burger. (We don’t have In-N-Outs in the Midwest) I gave them two thumbs up. We also took a trip out to the beach where I was able to stick my feet in the Pacific ocean for the first time. It was a bit colder than I thought it would be, but it was so much fun! I'm thankful for the Greenlees’ friendship. It was a great trip.
I am so incredibly grateful for all those who have come along this journey with prayer, support, and encouragement. You all have been such a huge blessing in my life! I am currently at 85% of my monthly support! I am getting so close to 100%! I took a big step and applied for language school in Quebec, Canada. I have been accepted and am scheduled to start January 10th ! However, I need to be at 100% before I can start. Would you pray with me for the rest of my support to come in before January?
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
● Pray that I will be diligent in my “Methods of Bible Study Course”. I’m hoping to finish it soon!
● Pray for wisdom and that things would go well as I begin applying for visas to study in Canada.
● Pray for wisdom as I prepare to move to Quebec in January.
● Pray for the new public deaf school starting near where I lived and that there would be opportunities for the Gospel.
● Pray for T that the Lord would open his eyes to the gospel as I lead him through the “Story of Hope”.
● Pray for my grandfather who was recently diagnosed with cancer.
● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.
● Pray for additional partners for my ministry.
● Praise God for 85% of my monthly support!
● Praise God for 96% of my one-expenses! (outfit and passage)
● Praise God that I was accepted into the language school in Quebec, Canada
● Praise God for the new public deaf school near where I lived!
● Praise God that Jonas has started another school year. He is doing well.
*except taken from Millie Dawson's autobiography, “All the Day Long: True-Life Adventures of Missionaries in the Amazon”