Through it all, God is good.

I was driving with Grandpa Ortiz. We were celebrating and praising God that his cancer was in full remission. I felt good about leaving for Québec. My heart was at ease that my grandpa was doing well. Fast forward 6 weeks. I received a phone call, “Grandpa's cancer is back, and it’s not good.” My heart sank. Were we not just celebrating and praising God for His goodness? I looked at my wall and said a phrase that I had recently put up: “Happy moments, praise God. Difficult moments, seek God. Quiet moments, worship God. Painful moments, trust God. Every moment, thank God.” I knew then what I needed to do. I stopped what I was doing and I praised God for my grandpa’s faithful testimony. I thanked God for His goodness. Even though this is a difficult and painful time to walk through, I choose to trust God.

Learning another language is no easy task. I often find it frustrating when I can’t pronounce a word right and am not understood. However, there are also moments of good laughter during the learning process. My professor is lighthearted and very patient. Although there are difficult moments. I am enjoying learning French. I am also enjoying the Christian community here at Parole de Vie. At the start of every class, my professor prays. He mentions us by name in his prayers. After the prayer, we work on our memory verses in French. It is such an encouraging way to start class. I am truly thankful to be studying here in Québec.
As hard as it is hard to believe, I am already half-way done with my first semester. I had my midterm exam.There was an oral and written part. I was nervous before the exam, but felt confident that I did well by the end. I don’t have my marks yet, but I feel good about it. The day after the midterm, the entire French language school went on a field trip to a local museum. The trip went well. It was fun and interesting learning more about Sherbrooke, Québec. It was a very cold and snowy day. As you can see from the picture, all of us bundled up.

I am now on a week-long break from classes. I am looking forward to the time to relax, reflect, and prepare for the rest of the semester. I am staying in Québec during the break because crossing the border is a rather troublesome process. I am grateful for new friends that are staying here as well. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement on this journey.
God bless,
Liz Ortiz
Prayer Requests:
● Pray for my family and Grandpa Ortiz as we navigate his diagnosis.
● Pray that I will adjust well to life in Quebec
● Pray for patience as I study and learn the French language.
● Pray for an ASL interpreter for Togo – big opportunity for one!
● Pray for more opportunities for me to practice signing.
● Praise God for 100% of my monthly support!
● Praise God for 100% of my one-time expenses support!
● Praise God for all my wonderful partners!
● Praise God that Jonas is doing well in school